Eldritch Horror Wiki

Card Overview

Name: Blessed
Card Type: Condition
Traits: Boon
Effect: Yes
Action: No
Reckoning: Yes
Variants: 8

Card Front

Effect 4, 5, and 6's count as successes on your tests.

If you would gain another Blessed Condition, flip this card instead.

If you would gain a Cursed Condition, discard this card instead.

Action N/A
Reckoning Roll 1 die. On a 1 or 2, discard this card.

Card Back

Flip Title Set Flavor Text Effects
Anointed 02
Forsaken Lore
You feel that you truly have an important role in the events of the world. It is your calling to share the hope and courage you feel with all the others who stand against the darkness. Another investigator of your choice that does not have a Blessed Condition gains a Blessed Condition.

Then flip this card.

Reading the Stars 02
Forsaken Lore
In the night sky, you can clearly see the predictions set forth by the stars, and you realize there is still hope for mankind. Move the Omen token to any space of the track without advancing Doom.

Then flip this card.

Light of Kthanid 02
Forsaken Lore
In your moment of need, the light of Kthanid shines down upon you, filling your heart with courage and hope. Retreat Doom by 1.

Then flip this card.

Blessed Talent 05
Under the Pyramids
Your vision has never been sharper, your mind never more clver. You feel stronger than ever before, and all who meet you are willing to help your cause. You are confident that you will survive what is to come. Improve 1 skill of your choice.

Then flip this card.

Favored 04
Strange Remnants
The Elder Gods hold you in high regards. At any given moment, you feel as though you could accomplish any goal with ease. You or another investigator of your choice on any space gain 1 Boon Condition.

Then flip this card.

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