Eldritch Horror Wiki

Card Overview

Name: Edge of Reason
Card Type: Mythos
Expansion: 09
Masks of Nyarlathotep
Traits: Event
Color: Yellow
Difficulty: Easy
Icons: Advance Omen Mythos Reckoning Spawn Gates

Card Front

Flavor Text: You can see it in the mirror. Living amid all this horror has made you stronger and smarter, but it has also made you less human. You wonder if there was a moment of decision when you saw what the price would be and chose this mad path nonetheless.
Effect: Each investigator may gain Corruption Condition to improve 1 skill of their choice.

Then each investigator with a Corruption Condition may gain Eldritch token 1 Eldritch token to improve 1 skill of their choice.

Reckoning: N/A