Eldritch Horror Wiki

The Astronomer


  • Action: Spend 2 Clues to discard 1 Monster on a space containing a Gate.
  • Once per round, you may spend 1 Sanity in place of spending 1 Clue.

Flavor Text


"Let them call me a crackpot! Something is happening to the stars, and I am not imagining it."


The scientific community ridiculed Norman for his claim that six stars disappeared from the sky. After exhausting every plausible astronomical explanation for answers, he took a position at Miskatonic University and began exploring more improbable possibilities in the restricted section of their library. While reading an ancient text of dark prophecies, Norman found an exact description of the phenomenon he'd observed. If the tome is to be believed, a terrible incursion into our world is imminent.

Team Role

Norman's stats and abilities - which can be used to clear out the monster guarding a gate or get a "free" reroll, make him suited to closing gates.

