Eldritch Horror Wiki
Spawn of Uncleanliness
Special Encounters of Abhoth.

These Special Encounter cards are available whenever Abhoth is the Ancient One and an investigator encounters a Cultist Monster.

ID # Set Initial Text Pass Effect Fail Effect
1 05
Under the Pyramids
A malformed beast stares at you as it dissects its most recent victim, gray ooze dripping from its numerous pores. Within its transparent digestive system you can see the remains of many large game animals, and the sight sickens you (Will). Steeling yourself against the grisly sight, you attempt to banish the beast to the Abyss (Lore). If you pass, the beast shrieks in pain as your incantation, disintegrates its flesh; this Monster loses Health 3 Health. If you fail, the beast absorbs the magic; this Monster recovers all Health. Unable to withstand the wretched sight, your stomach turns. Lose Sanity 1 Sanity. You search for a way to distract the beast and attack. You may discard 1 Trinket possession. If you discard the possession, this Monster loses Health 3 Health.
2 05
Under the Pyramids
The undulating abomination flees at the sight of you, leaving smoking trails of acrid slime and filth in its wake. You resolve to find it before it can retreat to its subterranean abode, but its trail is evaporating at an alarming rate. You must track it quickly (Observation). You discover the beast idly devouring its own appendages out of hunger and try to slay it before it is aware of your presence (Strength). If you pass, this Monster loses Health 3 Health. If you fail, it lashes out at you with its barbed limbs; lose 2 Health unless you discard 1 Ally Asset. Unable to track the beast, you unwittingly become its prey (Strength). If you pass, this Monster loses Health 2 Health. If you fail, the beast drenches you in gray ooze; lose Sanity 2 Sanity and gain a Diseased Condition.
3 05
Under the Pyramids
Gelatinous tendrils rise from the core of the twisted abomination, oozing filth and shedding skin and bone into misshapen piles, offending every one of your senses. You summon the courage to attack before you are within range of its grasping limbs (Will-1). Bursting into action, you hit the beast with everything that you have. This Monster loses Health Health equal to your Strength. If this Monster is not defeated, your attack is ineffective, and the beast shows no signs of giving up the assault; lose 2 Health and gain 1 Injury Condition. Unnerved, you find yourself surrounded by the snaking tendrils. The beast opens its maw, and you lash out in desperation (Strength). If you pass, this Monster loses Health 2 Health. If you fail, lose 1 Health and gain 1 Injury Condition.
4 05
Under the Pyramids
You find a deformed, humanoid creature, lying in a puddle of its own murky ooze. It looks as if it is attempting to stand, but based on its ragged, inconsistent breathing, you suspect its deformities will bring death shortly. You gather the nerve to put it out of its misery (Will). You do what you feel needs to be done. Much to your dismay, the ooze begins to coalesce around the body, regenerating it. You try to halt the process (Strength-1). If you pass, defeat this Monster. If you fail, the ooze carries the corpse away before you can stop it; move this Monster to the nearest Sea Wilderness space. You realize too late that the creature was simply in larval form, and it sheds its translucent exuvia. Lose Sanity 1 Sanity. You attempt to bind it with a hex (Lore-1). If you pass, this Monster loses Health 2 Health. If you fail, it snares you in a sticky spray; become Delayed.
5 05
Under the Pyramids
You recognize the fetid abomination and its hundreds of whirling limbs as the beast that has been kidnapping people from a nearby community. You attempt to invoke a ritual that will bind the beast and force it to take your to its victims (Lore). The beast becomes ensorcelled by the words of your incantation and leads you to the missing townspeople. Afterward, you try to slay the beast while it is still bound (Strength). If you pass, this Monster loses Health 3 Health. If you fail, the aberration mains you as it escapes; impair Strength Unaffected, the beast turns its attention towards you (Strength). If you pass, this Monster loses Health 2 Health. If you fail, it escapes with its victims in tow, and the relatives of the abducted men and women blame you for your failure; impair Influence.
6 05
Under the Pyramids
The amorphous gray creature attacked you without warning, and your vision faded to darkness. Now, you lay paralyzed in its nest, covered in its slimy toxin. Your body surges with determination as you call upon every fiber of your being to escape before the creature returns (Will-1). You break free of the toxin's grip and feel life flooding back to your weakened limbs. Alone in the lair, you devise a trap that will burn the creature alive when it returns. This Monster loses Health equal to your Observation. If this Monster is not defeated, the flaming creature shrieks and attacks; lose Health 1 Health and Sanity 1 Sanity. Just as life is returning to your extremities, the beast returns. Lose Sanity 1 Sanity. You try to flee (Observation). If you pass, you lead the beast into a narrow tunnel where you will have the advantage; this Monster loses Health 2 Health.
7 05
Under the Pyramids
The putrid smell of rotting flesh overpowers your nostrils as you approach the vile, amoeba-like monstrosity. Your stomach roils and vertigo threatens to overwhelm you as you near the rippling beast (Will). Holding your breath, you engage the creature, resolving to ignore the horrid stench (Strength). If you pass, this Monster loses Health 3 Health. If you fail, your senses are overpowered by the noxious fumes; gain 1 Illness Condition. A sharp intake of breath leaves your lungs filled with toxic fumes that hinder your better judgment. Impair Will. You recklessly cast a hex in an attempt to slay the bast (Lore). If you pass, the magic has little effect; this Monster loses Health 2 Health.
8 05
Under the Pyramids
The writhing gray mass turns to face you, hundreds of tiny eyes blinking at you in fury. You consider your situation and prepare to go on the offensive. Resolve the pass effect to attack the beast; or resolve the fail effect to attempt a banishing ritual. Leaping toward your quarry, you attempt to gain the upper hand before it has a chance to move against you (Strength-1). If you pass, this Monster loses Health 3 Health. If you fail, you find the creature to be your equal in combat; lose 2 Health and this Monster loses 2 Health. As your incantation reaches its apex, you realize that the creature has begun to invoke a power of its own (Lore-1). If you pass, this Monster loses Health 3 Health. If you fail, you can hear the will of Abhoth in your mind; lose Sanity 2 Sanity.
9 05
Under the Pyramids
An acrid stench permeates the air as the slithering spawn regard you with sixteen dark red eyes, blinking in unison. You realize that the eyes are having a soporific effect on you, and try to resist the urge to drift into a peaceful slumber (Will). You shake off the drowsiness and begin circling the beast, searching for an opportunity to advance (Observation). If you pass, you sense a momentary weakness and strike; this Monster loses Health 3 Health. If you fail, you begin to tire after a lengthy battle of attrition; lose 1 Health and this Monster loses 1 Health. You lapse into a stasis, incapacitated by visions of endless filth. Lose Sanity 1 Sanity and gain 1 Madness Condition. A blinding power bursts forth from within you, reacting to the extreme danger. This Monster loses Health Health equal to your Lore.
10 05
Under the Pyramids
The bizarre spider-like creature produces a glutinous, silver filament, weaving it furiously to and fro until a form resembling a stinger takes shape. Brandishing the keenly sharpened spike, the beast charges. You try to evade the deadly thrusts (Observation). The flailing stinger becomes lodged firmly in the ground. The creature screeches in frustration nearly shattering your eardrums (Will). If you pass, the deafening cry does not phase you, and you attack the now disarmed beast; this Monster loses Health 3 Health. If you fail, you nearly pass out from the searing pain; lose Sanity 2 Sanity. You make a grave misstep, and the creature lances you through the leg. Lose Health 1 Health and gain a Leg Injury Condition. Enraged, you rip the stinger from your flesh and attack (Strength-1). If you pass, you pierce the beast's heart; this Monster loses 3 Health.
11 05
Under the Pyramids
The pale, knee-high abomination flails before you, grasping limbs swiping at your feet, trying desperately to catch you off guard. You have seen many unusual creatures as of late, but this one seems particularly peculiar. You muster your daring and lash out at the strange creature (Strength-1). The creature has naught but an instant to react. This monster loses Health 3 Health. Unexpectedly, the creature latches into your leg in its death throes, and you are assaulted by visions of a monstrous arachnid creating a massive batholith (Will-2). If you fail, you despair in the face of unspeakable evil; lose Sanity 2 Sanity and gain a Despair Condition. The creature squirms away from you, tripping you with its bony arms. Lose Health 1 Health. Determined to end the fight, you improvise an arcane ritual. You may discard 1 Spell to cause this Monster loses 3 Health.
12 05
Under the Pyramids
As the lumbering beast approaches you, it roars in a berserk fury and rips off one of its own arms. It brandishes the limb as if it were a club. Gray blood gushes from the open wound. Horrified, you try to resist the urge to vomit (Will-1). Unaffected by the grotesque display of self-mutilation, you attack the beast with all your might. The Monster loses Health Health equal to your Strength. If this Monster is not defeated, the beast overwhelms you with superior force and batters you mercilessly with its severed limb; lose 2 Health and gain 1 Injury Condition. You begin retching uncontrollably. Lose Health 1 Health and Sanity 1 Sanity. Physically weakened, you consider your options (Observation-1). If you pass, you evade the creature's attacks, hoping it will perish from blood loss; this Monster loses 3 Health.
13 05
Under the Pyramids
The roving heap of gelatinous filth and bone has thus far proven to be impervious to your attacks. Bullet and blade alike are absorbed harmlessly by the oozing substance comprising a majority of the creatures body. You turn your focus to the arcane (Lore). Your magic withers the creature into tatters, drying its protective slime into delicate flakes that fall away in chunks, but the creature is not yet slain (Observation). If you pass, you spot its organs, now exposed, and promptly crush them; this Monster loses Health 3 Health. If you fail, the creature regenerates after a few minutes; lose Sanity 1 Sanity. The ritual proves ineffective as well (Will-1). If you pass, you cover the creature in kerosene and set it ablaze, this Monster loses Health 3 Health. If you fail, distracted and scared, you do not notice the river of slime until it soaks into your skin; gain 1 Illness Condition.
14 05
Under the Pyramids
A gargantuan, long-legged monstrosity stands before you, clicking its many pairs of mandibles in irritation. Its organ oscillate unnaturally within its bulging, translucent belly. The sight of its swirling innards weighs heavily upon your psyche (Will). Ignoring the gruesome sight, you burst into action, bringing your courage to bear against the abomination (Strength). If you pass, this Monster loses Health 3 Health. If you fail, the creature deflects your strike effortlessly, countering violently with its own, fleshing rending thrusts; lose 2 Health. The sight disturbs you, and you are unable to turn your gaze. Lose Sanity 1 Sanity. Your companions try in vain to shake you from your stupor. They fight the beast in your stead. You may discard 1 Ally Asset to cause this Monster to lose Health 3 Health.
15 05
Under the Pyramids
A pallid, eyeless head rolls towards you, foaming at its many mouths, teeth gnashing in ravenous hunger. Long, crimson tongues flick in and out of the bloodied mouths, hungry for their next meal. Paralyzed with fright, you try to regain control of your faculties (Will). Overcoming your trepidation, you wait expectantly as the malformed creature bounds toward you with increasing velocity (Observation). If you pass, you step aside at the last possible moment, and the creature crashes to the ground; this Monster loses Health 3 Health. If you fail, you misjudge the creature's speed, and it smackes into you; lose 2 Health. Perturbed by the wretched sight, fear conquers your senses. Lose Sanity 1 Sanity. The beast lungs, clamping down on your arm (Strength-1). If you pass, you beat the creature until it releases your arm; this Monster loses Health 3 Health. If you fail, lose 2 Health.
16 05
Under the Pyramids
A haggard, ashen figure shuffles slowly toward you, bent unnaturally at the waist. It unfolds itself as it approaches, spine snapping noisily as it stands to its full height, towering above you. It regards you with intelligent, almost human eyes (Will). With considerable tenacity you stare down the advancing creature, undaunted by its ghoulish visage. As the creature draws near, you begin your offensive (Strength). If you pass, this Monster loses Health 3 Health. If you fail, the creature slashes at your limbs with its twisted, bony talons; lose 1 Health and gain 1 Injury Condition. Sensing your hesitation, the creature begins to chant in a hateful tongue, and you feel your body warp and bend. Lose Sanity 1 Sanity. You attempt to counter the hex (Lore-1). If you pass, the creature calcifies; this Monster loses Health 3 Health. If you fail, lose 2 Health.