Eldritch Horror Wiki
Spawn of Uncleanliness
Mystery of Abhoth.

Mystery Quick Reference[]

Name: Spawn of Uncleanliness
Mystery Type: Eldritch Tokens
Expansion: 05
Under the Pyramids
Requires Clues: Yes
Requires Spells: No
Eldritch Tokens: Yes
Required Item: No
Monster: Yes

Flavor Text[]

Stupid, ravenous, and deadly, Abhoth's malformed spawn roam every corner of the globe. Each foul new horror is more disgusting than the last and brings with it uncleanliness and disease.

Mystery Text[]

When this card enters play, each investigator spawns 1 Cultist Monster on the nearest Sea Wilderness space that does not contain a Cultist Monster.

Whenever a Cultist Monster is defeated, the active investigator may spend Clue 1 Clue to place Eldritch token 1 Eldritch token on this card.

At the end of the Mythos Phase, if there are Eldritch token Eldritch tokens on this card equal to NoInvestigators, solve this Mystery.

