Eldritch Horror Wiki

Card Overview

Name: Strange Energies
Card Type: Mythos
Expansion: 04
Strange Remnants
Traits: Event
Color: Green
Difficulty: Medium
Icons: Advance Omen Monster Surge Spawn Clues

Card Front

Flavor Text: The disturbances occurred in such remote areas that they went largely unnoticed at first, but soon news spread to research outposts. Those scientists reached out to you about strange lights in the sky and flocks of birds dying in flight and plummeting to the ground.
Effect: Each investigator on the Active Expedition space or an adjacent space loses Health 1 Health and Sanity 1 Sanity.

Then each investigator on the Mystic Ruins space or an adjacent space loses Health 1 Health and Sanity 1 Sanity.

Finally, shuffle the Expedition Encounter deck and the Mystic Ruins Encounter deck.

Reckoning: N/A