Eldritch Horror Wiki


Talents are innate abilities similar to Spells. Some function as an action while others provide a passive or triggered benefit. Many require a skill test. Once invoked, the player must generally flip the talent and resolve the effect on the back. This generally determines whether the player is able to retain the talent, how successful the talent is, and may apply additional costs, choices or benefits.

Talents can be gained from several encounters, especially encounters in the city of Celephais on the Dreamlands Board. The Focused Training prelude allows investigators to gain talents more easily and Amanda Sharpe begins with the Quick Study talent and is otherwise effective at acquiring talents.

Name Key Skill Set Basic Effect
Composed - 07
The Dreamlands
Benefit Skill Tests
Elusive Observation 04
Strange Remnants
Avoid Monsters
Headstrong Will 04
Strange Remnants
Prevent Sanity Loss
Martial Prowess Strength 04
Strange Remnants
Strength bonus in Combat encounters
Moxie Will 07
The Dreamlands
Reduce Sanity Loss
Quick Study - 07
The Dreamlands
Gain Talents
Resiliant Strength 04
Strange Remnants
Prevent Health Loss
Skullduggery Observation 04
Strange Remnants
Gain Assets
Studious Will 04
Strange Remnants
Improve Skills
Visions Lore 07
The Dreamlands
View backs of condition cards.

Composed is a powerful talent that is also a Boon. It helps the investigators with all skill checks. If the investigator fails a check they flip the talent; they may keep it for a small cost, or discard it to gain a bonus.

Moxie and Visions allow you to reroll dice. They have advantageous triggered abilities that require a flip. The flip effects are strictly beneficial and cannot cause you to discard them.

Headstrong, Martial Prowess, Elusive, Skullduggery and Studious provide advantages which require a skill check and a flip. The skill check determines how effective the talent is, and how positive or negative the flip effect is. A poor skill check may require you to discard the talent.

Quick Study allows you to gain an additional talent when you gain it or any other talent. It then flips and requires you to either discard it, discard another talent, or meet some other requirement. Quick Study can be ignored when gained; simply choose to draw another talent and then resolve Quick Study's flip effect by discarding it.
